
Maybe I'm beating a dead horse...

Clearly, I do not like Sarah Palin. So no one should really be shocked that the editorial I decided to critique is about her. You may roll your eyes now and get over it.

Everyone knows that the Vice-Presidential Debate was last night. I was so excited for it that I went to go see Jeff Dunham instead. (Which was awesome, by the way.) But I will admit that I was very curious to know how the debate raged. (Not that I would have been able to watch it if I'd stayed home--I can haz cabl? No.) So when I realized that Blog Stage 3 was due today and I hadn't done it yet (oops), I thought it would be very appropriate to look for an editorial about the debates.

Oh, boy.

Since I didn't actually see the debates, I can't technically agree with the editorial, but I reallyreally want to, so I'll try not to let that interfere with my evaluation.

First, I'd like to commend the author of this piece for never once referring to Sarah as a woman, unless he was using pronouns. Her sex shouldn't play any part in her role as wanna-be Vice-President, and I'm very glad that, at least in this editorial, it's not. I don't see why it's so hard to just ignore her uterus especially since she doesn't care about anyone else's. So plus 5 points for that.

However, I'm gonna have to say minus 2 or 3 points for lack of Biden information. This editorial was entitled "The Vice-Presidential Debate," so one would expect to read about both candidates. I'm all for ragging on Palin, and there was some information on Biden, but it was definitely leaning hard on how lousy Palin did. Maybe that's what the debate was actually like--Palin was terrifying and Biden wasn't particularly amazing or awful--but I didn't see it, and so I would have liked to know more specifics about what Biden had to say, rather than that he simply, "did well," and "left Ms. Pailn way behind on most issues."

From a purely English Teacher standpoint (not that I'm an English teacher...) I'd have to say plus 3 points. It was written in a very clear manner; maybe not so that every random Tom, Dick or Harry from off the street would follow, but the people who care enough to be informed will have no problems understanding. The title is somewhat misleading, ("The Vice-Presidential Debate" instead of "How Sarah Palin Epically Failed The Vice-Presidential Debate") but that's not too terrible.

All in all, this editorial gets the stamp of approval from me, and not just because it criticized Sarah Palin.

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